The Foundation for Good Education Begins at Home

The meaning of good education is diverse. Opinions vary with countries, cultures and other factors that escape our attention. But there are some common threads that cut across differences and bind them. One of them is the universal agreement that education begins at home. Needless to say, the foundation for good education too, begins within the four walls.

Consequently, we can agree that school, college and university education are just stages in this continuous process. Therefore the term education needs to be understood and explored beyond the limits of qualifications and certificates. Books, too, form a medium of learning. The scope of education, though, is beyond words and visuals.

That brings to the moot point. How and why does the foundation for good education begins at home?

The Roots

From infancy to the first day at school, the journey of a child is at home. Parents, grandparents and friends are the first teachers of a kid. Everything they learn has its roots in everything they see, hear and experience at home. In short, the first step towards childhood, adolescence and adulthood begins from the day they open their eyes to the world.

So, why is all this being said? The answer is obvious: An adult of the future is a result of the present’s upbringing. In fact, one could easily say without any inhibitions that, you, as a parent, are responsible for the society. Not just your child; the society on the whole. Granted that, it’s daunting ask. But the future of your child deserves that effort. Doesn’t it?

The Big Boss

There are multiple areas that require your attention. The role of a parent, primarily, is about imparting knowledge through actions. While what you tell your kid definitely matters, what you do takes precedence. Like the popular reality show ‘Big Boss’, you’re being watched. And the ‘Invisible Boss’ is your child. The price of your blunders will prove to be costly.

On the other hand, one meaningful action will trigger a chain of positive reactions having a healthy influence on the child.

Having said that, there is no cause for concern. Teach them the basics of good manners. Talk to elders at home and guests in a polite demeanour. Demonstrate to them the importance of humility whenever there is an opportunity. More importantly, avoid any sort of heated confrontation, with anyone in your kid’s presence. Ensuring these little things is more than a good start to good education at home.

The Art of Attitude

Further, all the above-said actions contribute to nurturing and developing the attitude of the child. As the popular saying goes, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. Similarly, the making of a child’s character is an effort that lasts for a long time. And in this process, every day counts. While teachers have an onus to go beyond teaching, their primary job is to impart lessons in the classroom.

Meanwhile, parents remain the cornerstone of the child’s progress. Making their home a favourable place to build and harness the child’s potential is on top of the list of priorities. To this effect, they need to sow seeds of curiosity, tell children not to stop at incomplete answers or give up at the first turn of difficulty. At the same time, do not surrender to spoon feeding solutions. Thus, they shall be independent.

Your child is not just your treasure, they belong to a better future. And that begins with their birth, finds its feet when education begins at home. The road ahead belongs to them but in the road of crisis, it is the education that begins at home ruling the roost. It doesn’t have answers, for it is in itself the answer.  

Also Read:  Back to School: Preparing for the Year Ahead



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