3 Instructional Hybrid Learning Your School Must Implement

Is Hybrid learning right for you? 

With schools looking forward to offering in-person classes, the hybrid learning model has become a hot topic. However, it has also raised questions about whether it works. If you are looking for ways to implement a hybrid learning model successfully, then you have come to the right place. We will look at three hybrid learning models in this article and how they can be used in schools.

Educators from some of the best CBSE schools in Chennai like Babaji Vidhyashram School have compiled a list of three hybrid learning models that work. Let’s take a closer look.

What Is A Hybrid Learning Model? 

A hybrid learning model is a teaching and learning model in which students attend classes twice or thrice a week while taking online courses the rest of the time. Learning through hybrid models allows students to personalize their learning and incorporate instructional time. Given the current pandemic situation, hybrid learning might be the best approach in the future.

Unfortunately, its implementation isn’t as easy as it appears. Hybrid learning faces the biggest challenge of engaging students who are virtually present. Here are three hybrid learning models that have proven effective.

3 Hybrid Learning Models That Work 

Flipped classrooms

Flipped classroom models are beneficial for schools that require students to attend in-person classes and follow online instructions. Some of you may already be familiar with flipped classrooms. In this model, lessons are delivered through video, audio, text, image, or an LMS website, which students watch at home and learn at their own pace.

In-person classes require students to collaborate and apply their learning. In a hybrid schedule, students watch videos during their remote days and collaborate on their learning in an actual classroom. The model flips in-school activities and at-home learnings.

You can make your flipped hybrid model more effective by using short video lessons, audio tools, tests, or images that are easier for students to understand. Students should be encouraged to record their understanding in a group document where everyone can contribute. Students can use the document in person to further discuss what they started virtually.

In-person class time should be used to complete assignments developed online. Make sure students are instructed to distance themselves socially and talk about their work. Students value genuine connections, and occasional direct instruction online can enhance these connections. A flipped learning model can improve self-sufficiency, self-evaluation, and time management.

Station Rotation model

In a hybrid environment, rotational models are an effective instructional learning model. In a traditional station or rotation model, students work independently or collaboratively in different stations for 45-50 minutes. Math classes may have different stations, for instance, one where teachers provide direct instruction and another where students work on their practical applications.

The hybrid rotation model can work out this scenario by combining a flipped instruction model online and a station model for in-class activities. Schools can also use breakout rooms within their LMS for stations during a remote learning day for effective collaboration. This model may take a day or two extra compared to an in-class experience. However, students will benefit from a tailored experience to help them master a subject in depth. Best CBSE schools in Chennai like Babaji Vidhyashram School have already adopted this model and are reaping its benefits.

Project-based model

Students can choose between three options in a project-based hybrid learning model. The first option calls for students to complete independent projects at home and a combined project at an in-person class. In the second option, the students work on projects in person and engage in flipped learning, such as watching instructional videos and practicing at home. The third option allows students to work on the same project at school and home. Research, ideation, and prototyping can be done at school and home using this option. Students can use a collaborative platform such as Google Docs to share their research and findings.

On a final note:

The above-mentioned instructional models can be adjusted to fit any hybrid schedule your school follows. Choose hybrid strategies that focus on the needs of your students and are flexible enough to accommodate larger strategies.


Also Read: Online learning platforms: Effects of Technology on Education


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