Importance of Language Learning from an Early Age!

It indeed is not easy to learn something new! Getting out of your comfort zone and learning something will take some time to get used to! Learning a second language at an early age has proven to be an effective method!

Learning a new language is rewarding at any age, but for children, learning a second language at an incredibly early age is beneficial. Research studies make a compelling case for starting bilingual education at a preschool age. Young children learn quickly and get a new language Spanish bilingual education There are also many benefits that children can gain from learning a second language. Research studies have shown that children who have learned a second language at an early age show cognitive benefits, such as improved problem-solving skills and creativity

Educational Benefits of Learning a Second Language

  1. Higher test scores: Numerous reports have proved that students who have learned a foreign language perform much better on many standardized tests, including all sections of the SAT, than their monolingual peers.
  2. Better and more advanced reading skills: Bilingual children have an advantage in learning to read by knowing a second language
  3. Greater self-confidence: Children are always discovering new things, and for children, learning a language is a natural process that they enjoy as they learn through play. This achievement also gives them the necessary self-confidence
  4. Gives the brain a boost: Research on the effects of bilingualism on children suggests that exposure to more than one language is a wonderful way to exercise brain muscles – and build them, too! In one study reported in Nature, bilingual children had significantly higher densities of “gray matter” in their brains. And those who had been exposed to a second language from an early age had the gray matter of all. The gray matter handles processing information, including memory,   language, and sensory perception
  5. Natural-sounding native accent: children always imitate what they hear. They are uniquely attuned to slight differences in tone and sound. Their sensitive ears help them perceive and imitate the difficult sounds that adults and even teenagers often stumble over. If you start early, your children will be able to speak easily and confidently
  6. Better opportunities for study and work: universities today increasingly value knowledge of more than one language. Knowing a second or third language adds a new dimension to an applicant’s resume, as competition admissions processes become increasingly fierce.
  7. A wider view of the world: traveling abroad is an experience that can help anyone. However, if you can travel and speak the language of the place you are visiting, you will have the confidence to experience diverse cultures
  8. A better understanding of your native language: including a larger, richer vocabulary: most of the time we use our first language without worrying about grammatical rules. By comparing the two languages, we learn more than we ever could as monolinguals. Children use what they learn in one language to reinforce the concepts and terms they learned in the other language.
  9. Build and support cultural connections: some of us are fortunate to have a relative who still speaks the foreign language of his or her nationality. Being able to communicate with older relatives helps them learn more about their                nationality, family history, and traditions
  10. An activity for the whole family: starting to learn a second language with your child or children at an early age.                provides your family with an activity and experience that they can refer to and grow from over the years. Your child and family will benefit in this and other ways from learning a second language. And the benefits of learning a second language      will last for many years to come

Learning a second language offers children many benefits in terms of improving communication skills, cognitive development, and cultural awareness. It is never too early to start your child on the path of second language acquisition, so get started today

Admissions are Open for the academic year 2023 – 2024! Learn more about enrolling your child at NHIS:


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  1. At National Public School, we strongly believe in the importance of language learning from an early age. Learning a language helps children to develop their communication skills, as well as increasing their confidence, creativity and problem solving abilities.

  2. Learning language from an early age is essential for children’s development. At National Public School, we believe that students should be exposed to language learning from a young age.

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